Thursday, February 14, 2008

Martha, My Dear

Even if I don't love the subject, this took skills. The idea of glorifying someone in a hand-embroidered, felted and framed work of art to reflect the subject's tastes indicates true admiration. Speaking of which, does Martha deserve this level of love? The creator, Erika of "My Imaginary boyfriend loves me!" said:

Oh Martha. . . so. . . perfect. . . so controlled. . .
She's fascinated me for ages! Many find her patronizing and pretentious but I see her as a great egalitarian. She just automatically assumes that everyone can do what she does, live like she lives. On her show, Martha, she recommends that families take the kids to Greece for Spring break and that you use imported vintage glass glitter on your gilded Christmas tree topper because she thinks that her glamorous life is attainable by all.

OK, I guess that makes it less bizarre... but I'm one of the many that find her overrated.
At least it would brighten up her cell! Wait- this just in: I'm behind the times.
In: Felt portraits of Martha Stewart
5 min ago: Martha Stewart Living
Out: "Martha Stewart in prison" punch lines


Michelle F said...

I watch Martha sometimes and she is overrated. I can do all that fuzzy stuff without her directions. And I don't know about you but her going to prison makes her less credible for me. Oh well, I must admit I do buy her products at Target. They're cute and inexpensive!

R.C. Price said...

Ever listened to "Christmas isn't Christmas without Martha"? It pertains to your story.